£15 per hour (no chemicals included)
£18 per hour (including chemicals)
Minimum booking
2 hours
No deposit
Add second service Carpet or Upholstery Cleaning and get a 20% discount on it.
To get 20% off, use the confirmation code of your Domestic, End of Tenancy or Spring Cleaning quote when booking Carpet and Upholstery Cleaning. A confirmation code is usually sent to your email, once you request a quote.
Our prices explained
1 Bedroom (house or flat) – includes 1 bedroom, 1 kitchen, 1 living room, 1 bathroom (estimated cleaning time is 2 hours)
2 Bedroom (house or flat) – includes 2 bedrooms, 1 bathroom, 1 kitchen, 1 living room (estimated cleaning time is 3 hours)
3 Bedroom (house or flat) – includes 3 bedrooms, 1 kitchen, 2 bathrooms/toilet, 1 living room (estimated cleaning time is 4 hours)
Any additional room adds 1 hour of cleaning time:
- Bedroom
- Kitchen
- Living room
- Balcony
- Bathroom
- or Conservatory